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My school projects

Basic Web Design

News article

This is a project about a news article I came up on my own. Ths is my first project to be done.

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Image gallery

This is a project about an image gallery I came up with. It is about natural disasters.

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Table data

This is a project about a table with a list I came up with. It is about scores I came up with for a hockey game.

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Math quiz

This is a project about a algebra quiz using form elements. It has three multible choice questions and a word problem at the end.

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Color Scheme

This is a project about a color scheme that lists four colors, each with a hexadecimal, RGB, and HSL color code to them.

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Resturant Menu

This is a project about a resturant menu using divs(divisions) to organize and style each menu. The resturant is called MatDonald's.

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Weekday schedule

This is a project about a schedule i set up using a table. I styled the table to look improved using internal CSS.

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Staff members

This is a project about my staff members for my organization that I made up. It is based around the games/sites that are made from this group.

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Flex puzzle

This is a project about a puzzle I needed to solve using FlexBox from CSS3. It has a total of 10 pieces, but one didn't fit in the puzzle.

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This is a project about a few scorecards I built in seperate HTML files. They all are linked to one CSS file which adds color to all of the scorecards.

Go to the hockey scorecard Go to the bowling scorecard Go to the yahtzee scorecard

Video Embed Tutorial

This is a project about a tutorial for embeding a video into your website. It is styled with a external CSS file and it involves using YouTube.

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Examples of CSS3

This is a project about some things you can do with the new release of CSS3. I was given 7 images and I had to replicate the screenshots I was given.

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This is a project about some ideas of flashcards put into an HTML page. I used CSS3 to animate the cards forming and the revealing of the answers.

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Blog post

This is a project about a blog post I came up with about Harrisburg. I used media queries to make the page look nice on mobile and on printed paper.

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First JavaScript

This is a project about using JavaScript for the first time. This is my very first project that uses JavaScript.

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This is a project about using JavaScript to calcuate the results of different Math equations. There are four equations that each get more complex.

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Coin Counting

This is a project about using JavaScript and math to calcuate a value greater than 1 dollar using coins with cent values. All of the numbers were generated by JavaScript

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Circumfrence by hour

This is a project about calcuating the circumfrence of a circle with a radius of the current hour present. The Math object is used to get the value of pi.

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This is a project about simulating a dealer in blackjack. This is the first time lists are introduced.

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Prime Numbers

This is a project about showing prime numbers. It will explain what prime numbers are in the program.

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Weekend detector

This is a project about detecting if it is the weekend. JavaScript gets the current day of the week is and displays if it is the weekend or not.

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This is a project about listing the favorites of a person. This project uses objects to express the favorites of a person.

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Dinner Planning

This project has not been finished yet.

A Mad Lib

This is a project about using user input to fill in a mad lib. This project uses the DOM to get the inputs from the user.

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This is a project about changing the theme of the page using javascript. This project makes Javascript mess with the classes and style attributes of multiple elements.

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Simon says

This is a porject about using Javascript to recreate simon says in the browser. This is the first project that uses events effectevly.

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A canvas to smile a you

This is a project about drawing shapes onto a face. This project uses a canvas to build the face.

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Countdown insanity

This is a project about having fun with animations after a 10 second countdown. This project uses JavaScript timing and animation to produce an insane effect after 10 seconds.

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Interactive menu

This is a project about making a menu accessable for mouse and keyboard users, with a touch of animation. This project uses event listeners to get user input and also the menu is about questions picked from google.

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