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pencilcode.net games

There are a lot of games that I have on pencilcode.net for you to try out!

There will be tutorials on these games in the future but for now, just have fun!

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VR games

With the discovery of A-Frame, I can create VR games in hours. There are three on my pencilcode.net that you can check out, and one on neocities(what you're viewing right now) which you can find on my home page. You do need a VR headset to play any of these games.




This is simply CollectAndDodge, but in 3D and in a VR scene. You simply dodge walls like in my test VR game, but you also collect the orbs using your right controller.

FarAway is the VR game I spent the most amount of time creating the course, which took over a week. The course is about 15 minutes long(1000 seconds to be exact), and I would be amazed if any of you could beat this.

I have not came up with an idea for a name for this game, but it is very similar to FarAway, but there are patterns that are randomly picked for an intresting experience, being different every play. The best part about this is that you can create your own patterns by using the link below the play link to access the editor to make a pattern for this game.

Play CollectAndDodgeVR Play FarAway Play m
Make your own pattern