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Vising Harrisburg state capital.

Harrisburg has been the capital of Pennsylvania since it replaced Philadelphia in 1812. The first capital building was a 2-story brick building that was destroyed by a fire in 1867. The present capital is made out of linestone and granite and was completed in 1906.

Recently, my family took a trip to visit the capital. We parked on City Island, and then walked across the Market St. bridge. We saw lots of tall buildings, statues, and my sister loved seeing the trees in bloom.

One of the statues that we saw was the bronze statue of General John Frederick Hartranft riding a horse. The statue was modeled in 1897 and cast in 1899. The sculptor was a Cival War hero and two time Governor of Pennsylvania, Frederic Wellington Ruckstull. The statue sits on a 10 foot granite base.